Friday, August 21, 2020

10 Tips To Writing A Perfect Optimized Blog Post

10 Tips To Writing A Perfect Optimized Blog Post Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!10 Tips To Writing A Perfect Optimized Blog PostUpdated On 09/01/2016Author : Konika ChauhanTopic : BloggingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogToday I would like to share an interesting post which is concerned with how to write SEO blog post titles. According to todays generation, I must say everyone is very much aware with SEO blog titles but my duty is to provide well info. If you are good to optimized your blog post titles than automatically your blog will jump to next level. So try to build up your skills on writing a targeted SEO blog post titles. Now just concentrate on this article. According to this, i would like to share some tips and techniques via you can optimized your SEO blog post titles. Always remember that a good post title determines the CTR (click through ratio) of your blog post, and a bad post title will ensure you w ill not get an targeted traffic. So lets have a look!1. Title must be of H1 tagThe first tip for writing an ideal post title is giving an H1 tags to your heading. As we all know that search engines always prefer h1 tag first before h2 tag. You have to change your template setting than write an effective title. As per Google SEO, H1 tag is king and H2 is queen etc. Always give H1 tag to your title and than give H2, H3, H4, H5 to subtitles of your post.2. Long and DescriptiveThe second tip and technique to write an ideal SEO blog post is you should write an article which contain all relevant points. You have to write an long and descriptive article for your blog. Your post must be full- fledge which contain full information. Always write an small description about your post in the beginning of your article. Whatever your post is, always look up in the net and grab all the points and than plan how to write and cover all points in your articles. Give an meaningful and attractive titles to your post.3. Multiple KeywordsAlways give multiple keywords to your article. Keywords always play an important to your post. Try to choose highly targeted keywords, dont use an unnecessary keywords which have no sense and meaning. Newbie bloggers choose single keyword in their articles, but only few bloggers are there which understand the meaning of keyword, they know how to use it, and in what manner it is used. Most talented bloggers know the value of keyword so they use in a bulk quantity.4. SynonymsSynonyms words are those words which have the same meaning of that particular. Whenever you choose an word for your article, always try to amend yourself. Dont just write and write, before writing think once that whatever you write can it be attracts your reader or not. Dont use simple and common words which is used all other common bloggers, try to be little bit unique and think always different from other bloggers. Use synonyms in the space of that simple word.READSix Tips for En trepreneurs to have Business Success5. Avoid Unnecessary KeywordsDont use the unwanted and unnecessary keywords for your post. Avoid to use such keywords like is, an, are, of etc. Avoid to use these small, tiny keywords which make no sense and meaning. Just remember you have to grab highly targeted keywords for you article/post.6. Killer Heading and TitlesChoose always killer, attractive, unique title for your post. Your post title, heading must be attractive, that push your reader/visitor to open that particular post. Try to use eye-catching words for your post. Dont give those simple and common title to your post which is already used by other bloggers, always give something different and unique which attracts reader and visitors to come again and again to your blog/website.7. Structure of your Blog PostYour whole structure of your blog must be unique+attractive because it says that the owner of this particular blog having all good skills which is important. If your blog looks goo d than your visitors have full faith on you that whatever you write and publish, it is always good.Give the details in the following paragraphs of your posting. Finally in the last part of the posting try to add the background information.8. Title must be SEO friendlyThe 8th tip is try to give an user friendly title for your post. There are so many bloggers are available in the field of blogging. There are two types of bloggers are present, one who which writes article for their visitors and readers and second is who writes only seo friendly post, the point is you have to become that blogger who write in both topics. You have to write on seo friendly as well as reader friendly.9. Picture and ImagesPictures, images play an vital role in your post. Whenever you write an post, after writing put some 2-3 images relevant to your post. If you just write and write and doesnt give any image to it than it looks quite boring and dull. So to attracts readers give images and dont forget to give Alt Tags to these images. Avoid to give an random name to your image, always give relevant name to your images via it comes in Google search image and boost up your blog traffic.10. Interact with ReadersLast but not the least, after following all these tips and techniques the last point is to interact with your readers and visitors. Always available whenever your customer wants your help. Be create an friendly behavior with client. Try to give all answers of your reader query.Thats it!

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